We went out this evening and had some fun with Allyson & Tim on their "After The Wedding " shoot. Well it was hot and the mosquitoes were out with vengeance but we were able to pull out some really cool shots. I really enjoy this couple...we were laughing the whole time...I think we need to go out to dinner one night :) This first shot here is fun and quirky but I think it is a keeper. Check out some of their other shots below.
We got this image with the help of our sharp-eyed friend, Chris VanAtta - who also provided some comic relief during the shoot.
Allyson really wanted to shoot on this Chinese bridge in the gardens. Legend has it that after walking through the graveyard at Orton, you walk the bridge to loose any evil spirit that may have followed you out...see spirits can not turn corners ( so I have been told ). Here is my angle and the next image is Derick's angle...that why it pays to have 2 photographers :) Yeah!!!
We are Derick and Christy Piner along with our daugher Cameron. We are wedding and portrait photographers in Wilmington NC
Our Web site www.pinerphotography.com
Well, all I can say is. Im hungry.
I really like her dress. And the shots are cool, like the one under the tree where's hes dipping her. Nifty. :)
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