Sunday, December 30, 2007

Friday, December 14, 2007

Steph & Josh

November 3, 2007 Stephanie and Josh were married at Trinity United Methodist Church with their reception following in the Cape Fear Country Club. We had a great time photographing this couple. You may recognize them, they had been blogged before ( engagement pis on a stuff). I have to say that this has been one of favorite couples of 2007. Stephanie and Josh were both easy-going and fun to work with...having fun in their own world with each session. Lots of laughing and hugging going on. Below is a sample from their wedding day. Enjoy.
I love curls...maybe because my hair is so straight !
Laughing the whole day :)
I think Josh was a little surprised...I can almost she the words "wow" coming right out of his mouth.

Her sister, Ashley sang a solo and brought everyone in the church to tears and Dr. Archer on the paino did a superb job.
Lena crying...awe

The Whites are such a close family...tears followed with hugs and lots of smiles.

Stephanie even sang karaoke to Bare Naked Ladies, her favorite group. I have to say that was a first for us :)
Die hard fans of UNC Tarheels, so only how appropriate.

Congrats Guys !

Sherwood Family

Kelly and her family met with us at the South End for some portraits . We had a great time with their girls, despite the chilly weather the girls did a fabulous job. So cute...I love Riley's red curly hair...I could just eat her up. I love the sun-kissed color of these photographs and of course the true 3 year old shinning though :) Enjoy.

Thanks Kelly & fam

VanPelt Family

A while back we hopped down to the Oceanic Pier to photograph the VanPelt family. I have the pleasure of working with Robin on mother-baby at NHRMC, so when I found out months ago that they were expecting baby Jack I knew we had to do some shots for her. She, her husband Josh, and son Josh were wonderful...such a photographic family and Robin just glowed. We had a great time and are looking forward to baby Jack's grand appearance. Hope you guys enjoy.

Baby Jack just peculating along. Oh yeah....have you every seen such a perfect prego belly:)

Boy Stuff !!

I love this picture !

Congradulations Robin & Josh !!!!!

Saturday, December 1, 2007

Sarah & Wes

We recently had the pleasure on traveling to Kentucky to see some of Derick's family and take some fun photos there too. Sarah is Derick's cousin and we were absolutely thrilled when she & Wes asked us to photograph their May wedding in KY. We travel down to Shaker Town and did their engagement session there...I just love the fall, especially fall colors. Here is a sample from their engagement session. Enjoy!

Congrats Guys !